Aradon's Web Page

Havana (medium coat)  : :  Male  : :  Adult  : :  Medium

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Bonded with Avalon

About Aradon

  • Status: This animal is no longer shown on this website.
  • Adoption Fee: 10
  • Species: Rabbit
  • Rescue ID: M180002
  • General Color: Black
  • Ear Type: Erect
  • Current Age: 10 Years 2 Months (best estimate)
  • Fence Required: No
  • Housetrained: Yes
  • Exercise Needs: Moderate
  • Owner Experience Needed: Species
  • Reaction to New People: Cautious
Hi my name is Aradon
I am a Black Havana boy with the snuggliest fur coat you’ve ever seen
Bonded with Avalon


My foster mom says all the time that Avalon is the luckiest bunwife because I take such great care of her.  I LOVE hanging out with my foster sisters Abby and Lily (2 Samoyeds).  I especially LOVE cuddling with my bunwife Avalon.  I am ok with snuggles and love for short bursts of time, lounging around in my oversized xpen, running through my crinkle tube or hiding under my hidie box. My foster mom says I have the best bunny flop she has ever seen.  When you come to my xpen I love to greet you with kisses and push my nose through the pen for you to pet me or stand up and look handsome until you come in and give me head rubs or better yet a treat.


My favorite foods are mixed greens and don't even get me started on how much I LOVE my papaya enzyme treats my foster momma gives me every day. When I hear the bottle jiggle I come quickly wagging my tail and sit like a handsome boy until I get my treat.


When I am out during run time I am very well behaved.  If I need to go potty or am done being held I will get your attention and nudge at you to let you know I am done.  If I am out running around I will take a break and run to my Xpen to go potty or just chill. My foster mom says that I have the best potty habits she has every seen (she really makes me blush sometimes).  I love when my foster family tells me I am a handsome boy. My foster mom  says that I am the most handsome boy ever (don't let her know but I think she says that to all her boys). 


My ideal "person" is someone who has room for a double xpen to allow me to hop around a little bit,  and has time to let me out and run at night. I am curious but I know how to behave like a good boy.  My foster mom says that I am going to make the BEST bunny ever for my forever family and that she has never met two bunnies like Avalon and me that deserve a loving family more.  I sure hope we find ours soon.


Age: 4 years --- 

Gender: Male --- 

Adoption Fee for the Pair: $150.00 (+ tax)

More about Aradon

Good with Dogs, Good with Cats, Good with Older/Considerate Kids Only, Good with Adults, Good for Seniors/Elderly, Quiet, Does not require a yard, Independent, Intelligent, Gentle

Aradon must be adopted with his companion, Avalon.
Aradon must be adopted with his companion, Avalon.

Other Pictures of Aradon (click to see larger version):

Aradon Aradon Aradon