First Name*
Last Name*
Zip/Postal Code* -
Home Phone
Work Phone x
Cell Phone*
Alt Email
Date of Birth*
Have you been convicted of any felonies in the past 5 yrs? By submitting this application you agree to a basic criminal history check and calls to your specified references.* Choose one: Yes No
If you have had a felony in the last 5 years, please list the details below.
What is the best way to contact you? *Please note we run primarily via email** Choose one: Call Text Email Facebook
Do you smoke inside your home?* Choose one: Never Rarely Sometimes Daily
What type of animals are you willing to foster? Check all that apply
Are there any restrictions to your fostering? (Breed, size, hypoallergenic, etc)*
How many fosters would you like at one time?*
Is there a specific pet you're interested in?
How long are you willing to keep a foster in your home? *Keep in mind animals can be in foster anywhere from 2 weeks - 6+ months**
Animals are as individual as people. Are you willing to spend the time and effort to help this pet adjust to your home and lifestyle?* Choose one: Yes No
If your resident animals do not get along with the new foster or vice versa, do you have a way to keep them separated until slow introductions can be done, or a new foster can be found?*
Do you have access to reliable transportation?* Choose one: Yes No
Why do you want to foster?*
How did you hear about us?
In what type of home do you live* Choose one: Single Family Duplex Apartment Townhouse Condominium Mobile Home Military Housing
Do you own or rent your home* Choose one: Rent Own
If you rent, have you received the approval of your landlord to have an animal Choose one: Yes No
If you rent, please enter your landlord's name and phone number. If you don't rent, please enter N/A.*
Do you live in association? * Choose one: Yes No
If yes, what are the rules/restrictions?
Do you have Home Owner's or Renter's Insurance?* Choose one: Home Owner's Insurance Renter's Insurance No Insurance
Who is your insurance through? If you do not have insurance, please enter N/A.*
How many adults (18+) are in the home?* Choose one: 1 2 3 4 or more
Please list first name, last name, & date of birth for any additional adults living in the house hold*
How many children (under 18) are in the home?* Choose one: None 1 2 3 4 or more
If there are children, please list the ages
Is your yard fenced* Choose one: No Yard Unfenced Yard Yard Partially Fenced Yard Completely Fenced
If you don't have a fenced yard, please describe how you will exercise and confine the animal when outside.
Will the animal be kept inside or outside* Choose one: Inside Only Outside Only Inside and Outside
Where will the animal be kept when you are not home*
Are you willing to have a Fur-Ever Home representative visit your home by appointment?* Choose one: Yes No
Have you had pets in the past?
If yes, please tell us (1) What type of pet; (2) How was it obtained; (3) How long it was kept; and (4) What happened to the pet. If no, please enter N/A*
If you have pets, where do they sleep primarily: * Choose one: Indoors Outdoors Combination of Indoor/Outdoor I have no pets currently
If you have cat(s) please provide: Name, Breed, Gender, Age, if they are spayed/neutered, and up to date on vaccinations. FEHR requires all cats to be UTD with distemper, rabies (required by law), and to be altered in order to foster, unless for a specific reason (please list reason if not altered or UTD). (If no cats in your home, please enter N/A.) **NOTE: If fostering cats, you will need to also have a Negative FIV and Feline Leukemia test on record when we do the vet check.***
If you have dog(s) please provide ALL of the following: Name, Breed, Gender, Age, Spayed/Neutered? UTD on vaccines? FEHR requires all dogs to be UTD with distemper, rabies (required by law), and to be altered in order to foster, unless for a specific reason (please list reason if not altered or UTD). (If no dogs in your home, please enter N/A.)*
Please list the Veterinarian's clinic name that can verify your current pets are UTD and spayed/neutered. (If you do not have pets, please enter N/A.)*
Please provide the veterinarian's phone number that can verify your pets are UTD and spayed/neutered. (If you do not have current pets, answer N/A.)*
Fur-Ever Home Rescue is a Minnesota based Non-Profit foster based animal rescue organization. In this agreement, referred to as “FEHR”. The foster applicant is referred as “Foster Parent” in this agreement. This agreement is between FEHR and the foster parent for the purpose of socializing, and providing care for certain animals and preparing these animals for successful adoption info forever homes. The person listed above agrees to act as a Foster Parent (“Foster Parent”) for Fur-Ever Home, Inc. (“FEHR”) in accordance with the terms of this Foster Care Application & Agreement (“Agreement”).
1. Care of Animal. The foster parent agrees to:
*initial if you agree*
2. FEHR’s Obligations. FEHR agrees to:
3. Lifetime Commitment and Euthanasia. FEHR makes a lifelong commitment to its animals. If the foster parent should be unable or unwilling to care for the animal, he or she shall contact FEHR immediately so that FEHR may take possession of the animal. The foster parent shall not under any circumstances abandon, give away, allow to run away, surrender to a shelter or animal control or law enforcement officials, or euthanize or have euthanized any animal that he or she has received from FEHR. If a licensed veterinarian recommends euthanasia, the foster parent agrees to notify FEHR before the euthanasia and speak directly with Tania Richter (President) and provide the name and contact number of the veterinarian, and the veterinarian and FEHR will make the decision about euthanasia.
4. Ownership. The Foster Home acknowledges that ownership of all foster animals shall remain with FEHR until such time as a proper adoption or transfer is completed. No foster animal may be adopted, transferred, or relinquished without written approval by an authorized representative of FEHR.
5. Seizure and Impoundment of the Animal. If the animal shall, for any reason, be picked up by local law enforcement or animal control, the foster parent will immediately contact FEHR by phone or e-mail and inform Tania Richter (president) directly that the animal has been picked up and impounded and the animal's location. The foster parent shall also, in that event, inform the authorities holding the animal that the animal is the property of FEHR & is microchipped, provide contact information for FEHR to the authorities, and request that the authorities contact FEHR immediately. Under no circumstances will the foster parent agree to or allow the euthanasia of the animal.
6. No Representations. The Foster Parent understands and agrees that FEHR foster animals are animals, and that animals respond to situations differently and unpredictably. The Foster Parent understands and agrees that FEHR makes no representations or warranties, express or implied, about the foster animal’s health, behavior or temperament and that there have been no other representations or promises other than those included in this Foster Care Application & Agreement.
7. Not Assignable. This agreement is not assignable by the Foster Parent.
8. Photographic and Audio Release. The Foster Parent expressly grants FEHR permission to make photographic, video or audio recordings of the foster parent with the animal or during participation in a FEHR event or other events. The Foster Parent grants FEHR rights to all photographic images and video or audio recordings made. This includes, but is not limited to, any royalties, proceeds, or other benefits derived from such photographs or recordings. The Foster Parent understands and agrees that FEHR may use these photographs or recordings to promote FEHR and its mission, including FEHR events and work and for fundraising and other purposes that FHER decides is appropriate.
9. Release. The Foster Parent, and for his/her spouse, heirs, executors, personal representatives and assigns, agrees never to bring claim or suit against FEHR. The Foster Parent releases FEHR and its directors, founders, employees, officers, agents, representatives, contractors, volunteers, successors and assigned from all liability arising from the behavior or actions of the foster animal.
The Foster Parent understands that this agreement discharges FEHR and its directors, founder, employees, officers, agents, representatives, contractors, volunteers, successors, and assigns from any liability to the foster parent and his/his spouse, heirs, executors, and assigns with respect to bodily injury, personal injury, illness, amputation, scarring, death, property damage or other loss that may result from the behavior or activities of the foster animal. The Foster Parent releases FEHR and discharges FEHR and its directors, founders, employees, officers, agents, representatives, contractors, volunteers, successors and assigns, from any liability for FEHR’s own negligence or liability that may result in bodily injury, personal injury, illness, amputation, scarring, death, property damage or other loss to the Foster Parent.
10. Indemnity Agreement. The Foster Parent, and for his/her spouse, heirs, executors, personal representatives, and assigns, agrees to indemnify and hold FEHR harmless for all bodily injury, personal injury, illness, amputation, scarring, death, property damage or their losses, including attorney’s fees and costs of litigation, that result to anyone else or any other entity because of the Foster Parent’s negligence or liability. This includes lone acts or omissions by the Foster Parent as well as the combined acts of the Foster Parent with others.
11. Change of Address. In the event that the Foster Parent moves, he or she agrees to contact FEHR with change of address information, so that all records can be updated.
12. Supplies. Any items borrowed from FEHR such as crates, bowls, etc. must be returned when Foster Parent ceases foster care for FEHR.
13. Other. The Foster Parent expressly agrees that the releases and indemnity agreement are intended to be as broad and inclusive as permitted by law. The Foster Parent agrees that in the event that any clause or provision of this agreement shall be held to be invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, the invalidity of such clause or provision shall not otherwise affect the remaining provisions of this agreement. This is the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes any other verbal or written statements, representations, or promises
All disputes under this agreement will be settled by binding arbitration.
I HAVE READ THIS AGREEMENT CAREFULLY AND FULLY UNDERSTAND ITS CONTENTS. I AM AWARE THAT THIS IS AN INDEMNITY, WAIVER & RELEASE OF LIABILITY AND A CONTRACT BETWEEN FEHR, AND I AND I SIGN IT OF MY OWN FREE WILL (Please type your full legal name to act as an electronic signature and enter the date if you fully agree to the conditions of this agreement)*